KnowNet Initiative

Knowledge incubates in the Human Mind and when applied innovatively becomes a factor of growth and development.


Knowledge Society

Barriers to Knowledge Societies

KnowNet Vision

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KnowNet Vision

KnowNet aims to popularise and facilitate knowledge networking in developing countries for overall human development through the amalgamation of Information and Communication Technology and remote volunteering.

The KnowNet initiative centers around using and propagating ICT models for creating an open system for recognising, valuing, enriching and sharing of local knowledge, in parallel with human capacity building efforts. This will lead to a two-way process of people accessing information and knowledge for development and also information and knowledge finding its way to the probable users.

Broadly the concept is three fold:

  1. Recognising and valuing existing knowledge which is locally relevant.

    By helping communities host local content on the web in a comprehensible format and sensitising people about the global value of the knowledge possessed by them.

  2. Leveraging and advancing the mutual knowledge of people.

    By providing value addition to existent information through its amalgamation with the existent knowledge pool and databases, by opening a two-way channel for hosting and extracting of knowledge, and by developing capacities in them to learn from other communities.

  3. Using Knowledge for catalysing sustainable human development process.

    By fostering simple to complex innovative models for creation of livelihood opportunities, disaster mitigation, impacting the local governance processes etc., based on mere transfer of information from private to public domain to creation of strong virtual communities.

KnowNet aims to function in a decentralised, spread-out manner with most of the activities being carried out remotely through nodal organisations, networks and volunteers. This is to keep the operational costs low so as to facilitate easy replication of this initiative at the local levels and to ensure a deeper penetration especially in the rural society. It will be an ambitious but not a far-fetched vision to create a team of ICT- volunteers to train one person in each rural village to open up a two-way communication channel for extracting and hosting information on the net.