KnowNet Initiative |
Conferences and Events
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See list of conferences relating to E-governance on our other site - Digital Governance at
Valid Events =13 Also See more Events Link at the end of the page
January 24-27, 2002, Washington
four-day conference, attended by nearly 1,000 government and industry
professionals, focuses on the essentials of how to implement and manage
E-Government initiatives in a rapidly changing environment.
IT Revolution: Creating a Network Age in the 21st Century January 26-27, 2002. Kathmandu, Nepal
The two-day conference comprises of, intense vertical tracks, in-depth technology, business, management and governance-focused sessions related to the information and communication technology. There will be an open forum during the quick-hit panels to provide an opportunity for discussion between the speakers and participants. The 7 tracks of the conference aims to blend global trends with local market realities and perspectives.
Global E-Quality - Rethinking ICTs in Africa, Asia and Latin America March 25 - 27, 2002, International Institute Of Infonomics, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Global E-Quality will bring together scholars, policy makers, NGOs and innovative thinkers from around the world. The conference is dialogue-driven; its main format will be a series of workshops chaired by leading experts in the field. The number of participants will be limited in order to facilitate an open and in-depth debate. We suggest that you register as early as possible.
May 16-19, 2002. Seattle, Washington, USA
A "public sphere" where people learn about, discuss, and deliberate on important issues, such as increasing economic disparity, militarization, environmental degradation, racism or sexism, is critical to our future. This symposium will help inject organization, motivation, and inspiration into the evolution of an information and communication infrastructure that truly meets today's urgent needs.
(new!) IRMA:
Information Technology Education Track
ICTs and Development : New Opportunities, Perspectives & Challenges May 29-31, 2002 Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
This conference, therefore, aims to examine the new opportunities, perspectives and challenges provided by information and communication technologies for developing countries in terms of the following sub themes: What are the factors influencing the development of high-technology industrial activity in developing countries? How have companies in developing countries used ICTs to participate as vendors of goods and services in the global marketplace? What have been the constraints in realising this opportunity?
International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'02) June 6- 8, 2002 Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
The goal of ISTAS'02 is to bring together ICT professionals, computer science and engineering educators, teachers and scholars in the humanities and social sciences, policymakers, students, and ICT users for the purpose of establishing critical dialogue on the social and ethical dimensions of ICT.
Informing Science & IT Education
Informing Science explores issues in informing clients. It includes fields such as information systems, library science, journalism (in all its forms), public relations, history, and education. From their diverse sources, these fields are evolving and emerging into the transdiscipline we call Informing Science.
Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication
This biennial conference series aims
to provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of
cutting-edge research on how diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation
and use of information and communication technologies (ICT). "Cultural
attitudes" here includes cultural values and communicative preferences
that may be embedded in both the content and form of ICT - thus threatening
to make ICT less the agent of a promised democratic global village and
more an agent of cultural homogenisation and imperialism.
IFIP 17 th World Computer Congress August 25- 30. Montreal 2002
ICIE-Symposium: The Digital Divide from an Ethical Viewpoint (new!) October 3-5 2002, Augsburg, Germany
in the 21st Century will be increasingly characterized by societal
differentiation based on digital networks. The speed of these social and
technological changes poses new political, economic, and cultural challenges
both within developed countries and the so-called Third World.
ETHICOMP 2002 The Transformation of Organisations in the Information Age, November 13-15. 2002 Lisbon, Portugal
ASIS 2002 American Society for Information Science & Technology November 18-21, 2002. Philadelphia, PA, USA,
World Summit on the Information Society 2003
The summit will be held in 2003, under ITU's leadership and in close cooperation with other interested United Nations Agencies. The aim of the Summit is to develop a common vision and understanding of the information society and to draw up a strategic plan of action for concerted development towards realizing this vision. The Summit will also seek to define an agenda covering the objectives to be achieved and resources to be mobilized.
Other Similar Event Links International Federation of Information Processing IT-Calendar Page
Some Workshops links relating to Digital Divide (new!)
E-knowledge Based Events (new!)
Infotech's (UNRISD) selected IT-related events of the world
WebWorld (UNESCO) Conferences and related events
Resources for CyberCulture Studies Conference Page
International Center for Information Ethics Event Link
Indian Calendar of IT events (Ministry of Information Technology) |